4 Ways to Manage Stress During Tax Season

During tax season, which is typically busy and chaotic, healthy habits and exercise can become low priority. Coincidentally, those parts of your routine are the most important ways to keep stress under control. Poor stress management can lead to poor health and negatively impact your productivity.

Here are some common methods to help you keep your stress under control this spring.

1. Get some fresh air. Go outside and take a walk. Physical exercise is great for clearing your head and decreasing your stress levels.

2. Take a mental break. If you can’t get outside, step away from your desk and read a few pages of a book or magazine. Small mental breaks will help you focus on the task at hand and be more productive.

3. Eat and hydrate well. Coffee is not a balanced meal. Remember to drink plenty of water, and don’t skip lunch. Your mind will stay sharper if you’re properly nourished and hydrated.

4. Remember to unplug. Excessive screen time isn’t ideal. Whether you take a walk around the block, have a quick chat with your coworker, or simply step away from your computer and stretch, your mind, eyes, back, and neck will thank you.

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